Resources For
Warning Labels
This section provides everything you need to effectively communicate about how large, picture-based health warning labels on tobacco packages are an essential component of a strategy to reduce tobacco use.
Social Media Posts
Graphic warning labels work better than ones with text warnings only because they give a more memorable and negative view of smoking.
Let Smokers See the Warning They Need
Visit PostThe U.S. hasn’t updated health warning labels in 31 years!
The U.S. Hasn’t Updated Health Warnings on Tobacco Packs in 31 Years
Visit PostPlain packaging combined with large graphic warning labels doesn’t give big tobacco a chance to spread their lies.
The Evidence Is In: Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products Works
Visit PostIf graphic warning labels didn’t work, the tobacco industry wouldn’t fight so hard against them.
TIA’s Opposition to Plain Packaging Underscores Its Effectiveness
Visit PostEver wondered what the images on the cigarette packs really want to say to you?
Ever Wonder What the Images on the Cigarette Packs Want to Say?
Visit PostWhy is Big Tobacco fighting graphic warning labels so hard? Because they reduce tobacco use and their profits.
Would Graphic Warning Labels Have Reduced Smoking in the U.S.?
Visit PostThe Philippines are one step closer to being tobacco-free. The new graphic warning labels are strong, impactful, and poignant.