Resources For
Taxation: Evidence of Success
This section provides everything you need to effectively showcase the evidence that proves how effective tobacco taxes have been all across the globe.
News Articles
Download All News ArticlesTurkey Should Raise Tobacco Taxes to Reduce Smoking & Save Lives
Turkey sells some of the cheapest tobacco in the world. A simple 10% tax hike would decrease youth smoking by 15%.
Visit Original November 8, 2019How Changing Tobacco Laws Can Save Thousands Of Lives, Billions Of Tax Dollars
If we truly want to reduce tobacco use in our country, influencing youth behavior is central to our success. Research has shown that nearly 95% of adults who smoke started smoking before the age of 21. If we take steps to make it harder for youth to access these products, we can potentially prevent a whole new generation from starting this habit and becoming addicted to nicotine and tobacco in the first place.
Visit Original April 15, 2019The Tobacco Industry Plays Price Games to Make it Even Tougher to Quit Smoking
Evidence suggests that increases in tobacco taxation are the most effective means of reducing tobacco use. These taxes, recommended by the World Health Organization and the World Bank, increase the price of tobacco products in shops, reducing their affordability – a situation which encourages smokers to quit, and deters others from starting in the first place.
Visit Original November 8, 2018How Colombia Battled Big Tobacco and Won
Not only do taxes typically discourage smoking, leading to greater health benefits, but they can increase revenues diverted to health services.
Visit Original September 20, 2018