Resources For
Taxation: Evidence of Success
This section provides everything you need to effectively showcase the evidence that proves how effective tobacco taxes have been all across the globe.
Download All Facts-FiguresThe Economics of Tobacco Farming in Indonesia: Results from Two Waves of a Farm-Level Survey
In Indonesia, the average per-hectare household income in of current tobacco farming households was US$7,808, less than the average household income of former tobacco farming households (US$12, 661) in the second wave of the survey.
June 1, 2021The Economics of Tobacco Farming in Indonesia: Results from Two Waves of a Farm-Level Survey
In Indonesia, farmers who switched to growing non-tobacco crops typically increased their profits, after experiencing losses from farming tobacco.
June 1, 2021There is evidence that high taxes can be established with minimal impact on illicit trade
There is evidence that high taxes can be established with minimal impact on illicit trade. Similarly, illicit trade can be rampant in countries with low tobacco taxes.
July 1, 2020All evidence indicates higher taxes will prevent smoking initiation.
All evidence indicates higher taxes will prevent smoking initiation and has been successful at reducing smoking rates overall.
July 1, 2020Country-Level Data on Public Polling and Tobacco Tax Popularity: Includes data from around the world where polls show vast public support for tobacco taxes.
January 1, 2019Dedicating the revenue derived from tobacco excise taxes for a special purpose, instead of funneling it directly to the general consolidated budget allows more transparency in how taxes are used.
January 1, 2018Governments collect more than $ 250 billion USD in tobacco excise tax revenues each year but spend only around $ 1 billion USD on tobacco control.
January 1, 2018Economic modeling shows that raising cigarette excise tax rates in all developing countries by $ 0.25 per pack would generate an extra $ 41 billion USD in government tobacco excise revenue.
January 1, 2017Effective tobacco taxes raise much-needed revenue, reduce smoking-related health care costs, and drive down tobacco use.
January 1, 2017“Soft” earmarking of funds — for example, linking increased taxes to increased health spending — has helped generate grassroots support for the tax hikes.
January 1, 2017In high income countries, the overall cigarette consumption decreases by about 4%, for every 10% increase in prices.
January 1, 2016In low-and-middle income countries, the overall cigarette consumption decreases by about 5%, for every 10% increase in prices.
January 1, 2016In low-and-middle income countries a 50% increase in cigarette price typically leads to a 20% fall in cigarette consumption.
January 1, 2016By adopting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all countries have committed to achieving a 30 percent reduction in death rates from non-communicable diseases like cancer, stroke, and heart disease by 2030. Reducing tobacco use is critical for countries to reach this goal.
January 1, 2016Many polls show overwhelming public support for tobacco tax increases – extending across party lines and among smokers and non-smokers alike.
January 1, 2015Apply equivalent taxes to all tobacco products to minimize incentives for tobacco users to switch to cheaper brands or products, in response to tax increases.
January 1, 2015Youth decrease their consumption of tobacco 2 to 3 times more than adults in response to price increases.
January 1, 2015Youth decrease their consumption of tobacco 2 to 3 times more than adults in response to price increases.
January 1, 2015Impact of Cigarette Tax on Sales and Usage in Ukraine
Between 2008 and 2010, the tax on cigarettes in Ukraine increased from 36% to 60%. During the same period, tobacco sales decreased 25%. Price increases are estimated to have reduced the number of smokers by 2.7 million by preventing smoking initiation and increased cessation among current smokers.
January 1, 2012Following Tobacco Tax Hike in Mexico, Usage Dropped 30%
Between 2009 and 2011, the tobacco tax in Mexico was raised to 7 pesos per pack of 20 cigarettes. During the same period, tobacco sales dropped by 30%.
January 1, 2011Price and tax measures are an effective and important means of reducing tobacco consumption.
January 1, 2010Impact of Tobacco Taxes in Thailand
In Thailand, tax increases between 1994 and 2007 raised cigarette excise taxes from 60% to 80% of wholesale price, increasing tax revenue from 20,002 million THB in 1994 to 41,528 million THB in 2007 even as consumption decreased.
January 1, 2008Impact of Increased Tobacco Tax in South Africa
Between 1993 and 2009, the tobacco tax in South Africa increased from 32% of retail price to 52%. During the same period, cigarette sales declined 30% and smoking prevalence among adults decreased 25%.
January 1, 2006Impact of Tobacco Tax Increases on Smoking in South Africa
In South Africa, every 10% increase in excise tax on cigarettes has been associated with an approximate 6% increase in cigarette excise revenues. From 1994 to 2001, excise revenues more than doubled as a result of tobacco tax increases in South Africa.
January 1, 2003