Resources For


This section provides everything you need to effectively communicate about how smoke-free laws that ban smoking in all indoor public places, workplaces, and public transport are an essential component of a strategy to reduce tobacco use.

Social Media Posts

We must protect future generations from the harms of tobacco by passing a comprehensive tobacco control bill.

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Future generations deserve healthy, smoke-free places.

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Smoke-free workplaces protect non-smokers from the dangers of secondhand smoke.

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Smoke-free workplaces protect non-smokers from the dangers of secondhand smoke.

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Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke pose major public health issues.

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Smoking on public transportation is dangerous and should be strictly prohibited.

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Third-hand smoke is the dangerous chemical residual that tobacco leaves.

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Tobacco use in public places such as restaurants should be strictly prohibited.

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Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to children’s health.

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Tobacco taxes and smoke-free policies reduce tobacco use.

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Secondhand smoke causes disease and death in nonsmokers.

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Quit smoking and take your power back. No longer let your life be controlled by cigarettes.

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It’s time to quit smoking, if not for you, but for your pet.

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Positive affirmations work. If you want to quit, say it out loud.

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In a historic victory for global health, Uruguay won an international legal battle against Philip Morris International to uphold its strong laws to reduce tobacco use.

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It’s simple: There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.

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See–Change CAN happen!

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One in every five Kenyan adult is exposed to secondhand smoke at home.

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This high performing post shares a video outlining the benefits of quitting smoking.

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Treat yourself to a smoke-free life.

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This high performing post shares a video on why one big brother is tobacco-free: to ensure his little brother doesn’t smoke.

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Lauren shares her story on how her father’s dying wish was that she quit smoking.

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This high performing post encourages smokers to reach out to other smokers and quit together.

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This high performing tweet links to an article about how smokeless tobacco is starting to be banned at professional baseball stadiums.

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This high performing post links to an article about a new law requiring child-resistant packaging for liquid nicotine used in e-cigarettes.

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Share your story about how and why you kick butts.

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When it comes to quitting smoking, there’s no horsin’ around.

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This Facebook post links to an op-ed on why New Jersey should raise the tobacco sale age to 21.

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Secondhand smoke travels between housing units.

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We’ve greatly reduced youth smoking, but the battle is far from over.

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Five steps to make your quit day easier.

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Less smoking. More dancing.

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Quit smoking.

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This high performing tweet engages tweeters by asking them to fill in the blank: I feel the urge to smoke when ____.

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The first step in quitting smoking.

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This high performing tweet reminds smokers that it is never too late to quit.

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The Department of Housing and Urban Development may ban smoking in public housing.

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Supportive friends trying to quit smoking.

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A supportive message to those trying to quit smoking.

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A cute smoke-free message with two dogs dressed up like bees.

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Secondhand smoke kills 41,000+ people a year, in the US alone. Let’s make all work and public places smoke-free.

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Tips for friends and family members of smokers on encourage a loved one to quit smoking.

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Smoking rates have dropped. This high performing post thanks tobacco control advocates for their hard work in making smoking history.

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A supportive message to those trying to quit smoking.

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7 out of 10 middle and high school students who currently use tobacco have used a flavored product.

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Smokers smoke less and quit more after big cuts in nicotine in cigarettes.

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Reducing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes may help wean smokers from their deadly habit.

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A new scientific review found that secondhand smoke worsens kids’ asthma and significantly increases their risk of hospitalization.

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The UN’s development goal of ensuring good health for all directly with strong tobacco control.

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Clemson University is joining the 1,000+ tobacco-free college campuses across the country.

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